Locally Assessed Property

The Property Tax Division assists counties in the assessment and administration of locally assessed property. Additionally, the division also administers the Utah Farmland Assessment Act, also called the FAA or the Greenbelt Act, which allows qualifying agricultural property to be assessed and taxed based upon its productive capability instead of the prevailing market value.

The following table shows the roles of the Property Tax Division and the counties.

Locally Assessed – Division’s Role Locally Assessed – County’s Role

Assist Counties

Monitor County Compliance

Provide Appraisal Training

Appraise Property

Comply With Assessment Standards

Maintain Property Records

FAA – Division’s Role FAA – County’s Role

Develop FAA Class Values

Audit FAA Assessments

Accept FAA Applications

Classify & Qualify FAA Land

Administer Rollback

Administer Urban Farming

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