Mission, Vision, & Goals

Mission, vision, and goals of the locally assessed property tax team.


Quality assistance, cooperative oversight.


Improved Assessments

Achieve the market value standard uniformly for all classes of property statewide.

Fostered Independence

Foster the counties’ capability to independently fulfill their statutory obligations.

Eliminated Surprises

Develop state-county relationships that are communicated so thoroughly that no surprises can occur.

Exceeded Customer Expectations

Understand and exceed all customer expectations.


  1. Achieve effective, single-point coordination between county officials and the division.
  2. Provide quality technical assistance to counties through:
    1. Classroom Training
    2. On-the-job Training
    3. FAA Audits
    4. Contract Appraisal Expertise
    5. Market Data Sharing and Analysis
    6. State-County Project Coordination, Partnership & Responsibility.
  3. Oversee county performance in a cooperative spirit through:
    1. Assessment/Sale Ratio Study
    2. 5-Year Cycle Audit
    3. Compliance Support Via Technical Assistance
    4. Corrective Action Only As a Last Resort.
  4. Equalize railroad assessments through an assessment/sales ratio study of locally assessed commercial properties.
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