Standards of Practice

The Property Tax Division has prepared Standards of Practice to assist in administering Utah property tax laws. The standards present accepted procedures, guidelines, and forms, and are intended to assist county and state officials in the successful administration of the referenced property tax practices.

To find forms referenced by the standards, visit our Forms Page.

The see what has changed, see the Standards of Practice Changelog.

  1. Board of Equalization
  2. Exemptions
  3. Tax Relief and Abatement
  4. Uniform Fee-in-lieu
  5. Personal Property Valuation
  6. Real Property Valuation
  7. Farmland Assessment
    See also: FAA Taxable Values
  8. Mapping and Parcels
  9. Assessment Roll
  10. Certified Tax Rates
  11. Personal Property Billing
  12. Real Property Billing
  13. Property Tax Distribution
  14. Manufactured/Mobile Home Housing
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